Supplemental Aides and Services (SAS) are the “linchpin” of inclusion in general education. With limited guidance from the research literature, identifying appropriate accommodations can be difficult. Sometimes, decisions are based more on IEP team members’ personal experiences than the student’s individual needs in general education. In the session, we will discuss guiding questions IEP teams can use to determine supplemental aides and services. We will discuss a framework for considering a student’s need for SAS, (physical/accessibility, instructional, behavioral, social-communication, collaboration).
Identifying the Hidden Curriculum General education curriculum is made up of the ‘explicit curriculum’ (linked to core standards and essential elements), ‘hidden curriculum’ (unspoken, implicit, values, and social norms for student’s behaviors, attitudes, and expectations), and the ‘null curriculum ‘(the knowledge, skills, or topics that are intentionally or unintentionally omitted). For all students to access each part of the general education curriculum, it is important for the IEP team to consider each aspect. In this session, we will discuss using assessment practices that support the IEP team in understanding what needs the student has regarding the ‘hidden curriculum’, and ideas for planning intervention and specially designed instruction to support their acquisition of skills.